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25 May 2021 - 22 June 2021
Online + Brussels, Belgium
ECCA 2021 - 5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference

The biennial European Climate Change Adaptation conference is convened by projects that have received funding from the European Union’s Research and Innovation Framework Programmes.

In 2010, the first global conference on adaptation was held in Gold Coast, Australia under the umbrella of the UN Environment Programme of Research on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation (PROVIA). This marked the beginning of the biennial Adaptation Futures conferences, and inspired a group of European participants to organise Europe-focused events in alternate years. The European Commission supports the conference series, managing the events together with the project coordinators of three EU-funded climate adaptation research projects.

ECCA 2013 – Integrating climate into action

Hamburg, 18–20 March 2013, weblink https://cordis.europa.eu/event/id/34600-european-climate-change-adaptation-conference-hamburg-germany

The first ECCA was organised by EU research projects RESPONSES, CLIMSAVE, MEDIATION and ClimateCost, covering a broad range of adaptation issues. The conference focused on understanding and assessing adaptation in action with topics covering risk and vulnerability assessments, governance, and impact and effectiveness studies, as well as the economics of adaptation.

ECCA 2015 – Integrating climate adaptation action in science, policy, practice and business

Copenhagen, 12–14 May 2015, weblink: http://ecca2015.eu/about-ecca-2015.html

More than 750 participants from 46 countries took part in ECCA 2015 in Copenhagen. The conference offered a platform for researchers, policymakers, and businesses to share new research results, novel policy developments and practical implementation experiences on climate change impacts and adaptation. Opportunities for business innovations to support the transition to low carbon societies were also highlighted.

Sessions were designed to combine knowledge, policy, practice and business as well as showcase how climate change adaptation in Europe can contribute to job creation and other societal benefits.

BASE, RAMSES and ToPDAd were the EU-funded projects behind the second ECCA.

ECCA 2017 – Our climate ready future

Glasgow, 05–09 June 2017 (website unavailable)

The vision for ECCA 2017 was to inspire and enable people to work together to discover and deliver positive climate adaptation solutions that can strengthen society, revitalise local economies and enhance the environment. The City of Glasgow welcomed over 850 people to the third ECCA, which featured for the first time a business and innovation programme.

Contributions from young speakers stressed the need for deeper involvement of young people in climate action and policymaking at all levels. A challenge embedded into the city’s school curricula led to an exhibition by local schoolchildren of their imaginative solutions to Glasgow flooding problems.
ECCA 2017 was organised by the EU-funded projects IMPRESSIONS, HELIX and RISES-AM.

ECCA 2019 – Working together to prepare for change

Lisbon, 28–31 May 2019, weblink: https://www.ecca2019.eu/

Held for the first time in southern Europe, this edition brought together researchers, policymakers and practitioners to discuss recent advances in climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) research, policy and practice, and aimed to inspire collective climate action. Around 1200 participants attended the 96 Science-Practice and Science parallel sessions. These were organised by the scientific and practice communities to present the current state-of-the-art and to inspire action along six themes.

PLACARD, BINGO and RESCCUE were the EU-funded projects behind the fourth ECCA.

ECCA 2021 - Bringing adaptation solutions to life: Inspiring climate adaptation action today for a resilient future

The 5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA 2021) takes place from 25 May to 22 June 2021. A series of 9 webinars is organised from 25 May to 10 June, in the run-up to a high-level event on 22 June. This event is hosted by the European Commission, back to back with the annual European Research & Innovation Days (23-24 June).

The Lustrum edition of ECCA builds on past conferences that took place in Hamburg (2013), Copenhagen (2015), Glasgow (2017), Lisbon (2019) and aims to provide:

  • A platform to exchange practical solutions and knowledge (legacy) on solutions for climate resilience
  • A place to connect research, tools and solutions with decision makers and practitioners
  • A place to listen and learn new things – and to be inspired to create change
  • An event that leaves you with a good feeling and a desire to get involved again
  • An event that raises awareness and encourages action at all levels

ECCA 2021 is co-organised by the European Commission, JPI Climate and three Horizon 2020 projects (SINCERE, CASCADES and RECEIPT).

Closed since 22 June 2021
Online + Brussels, Belgium
Organised by
Germany 212
Belgium 198
Italy 173
United Kingdom 133
Spain 106
France 95
Netherlands 89
Austria 72
Ireland 59
Tunisia 54
Portugal 45
United States 41
Finland 34
Norway 31
Sweden 29
Türkiye 29
India 28
Switzerland 27
Nigeria 27
Greece 26
Denmark 24
Australia 21
Hungary 20
Taiwan 19
Poland 19
Canada 18
Ukraine 17
Slovenia 15
Malta 15
Luxembourg 12
South Africa 12
Mexico 11
Brazil 11
Cyprus 10
Croatia 9
Albania 8
Philippines 8
Japan 8
Lithuania 7
Czech Republic 7
Ghana 6
Romania 6
China 6
Malaysia 5
Pakistan 5
Côte d'Ivoire 5
Morocco 5
Israel 5
Ethiopia 5
Argentina 5
Peru 5
Kenya 5
Colombia 5
Iceland 4
Bulgaria 4
South Korea 4
Indonesia 4
Nepal 4
Georgia 3
Uganda 3
Tajikistan 3
Ecuador 3
Sri Lanka 3
Bhutan 3
Chile 3
Serbia 3
North Macedonia 3
Gambia 3
Panama 2
Malawi 2
Slovakia 2
New Zealand 2
Benin 2
Latvia 2
Saudi Arabia 2
Cameroon 2
Senegal 2
Bangladesh 2
Botswana 2
Bosnia And Herzegovina 2
Russia 2
Kazakhstan 2
Estonia 2
Thailand 2
Rwanda 2
Honduras 1
Moldova, Republic Of 1
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1
Viet Nam 1
Mali 1
Algeria 1
Venezuela 1
Papua New Guinea 1
Liechtenstein 1
Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The 1
Fiji 1
Singapore 1
Togo 1
Brunei Darussalam 1
Monaco 1
Bolivia 1
Liberia 1
Haiti 1
Netherlands Antilles 1
Kosovo 1
Yemen 1
Trinidad And Tobago 1
Guyana 1
Zambia 1
Belarus 1
Sierra Leone 1
Reunion 1
Total 1958
Academia and Research, Think Tank 637
Government, National Public Authority 313
NGO, Association 182
Other 177
Consultancy 161
R&D Organisation 85
EU Institutions 83
Local Public Authority 75
Industry 40
Climate Adaptation Solution Provider 36
Investor & Financial Services 17
Journalist, Media 10
Insurance 3
Total 1819
Profile views
Before event 5901
After event 2062
Total 7963