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25 May 2021 - 22 June 2021
Online + Brussels, Belgium
ECCA 2021 - 5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference

Welcome to the

5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference!

Bringing adaptation solutions to life: Inspiring climate adaptation action today for a resilient future. 
The 5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA 2021) takes place from 25 May to 22 June 2021. A series of 9 webinars is organised from 25 May to 10 June, in the run-up to a high-level event on 22 June. This event is hosted by the European Commission, back to back with the annual European Research & Innovation Days (23-24 June).


Rewatch the High-Level Conference Rewatch the thematic webinars

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 

From May 25 to June 10, 2021 

All the sessions recordings are available ECCA's Youtube page.

All the webinar recordings are available here and on ECCA's Youtube page.

2021 is the year of climate adaptation. ECCA 2021 comes at the right time, after the first global Climate Adaptation Summit in January 2021, and before the COP 26 in Glasgow in November 2021. It will turn the spotlight on the pressing need to accelerate the transfer of knowledge from R&I to policies and practices, including societal transformation and behavioural change, in order to increase resilience in Europe and beyond, in the context of rising climate risks.

Adaptation actions can help boost recovery, resilience, climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and restoration, job creation, citizen safety, social inclusion, wellbeing, and financial security. The goal of the conference is to inspire adaptation by showcasing solutions, exchanging knowledge, creating connections, and encouraging dialogue on how to act more and faster at every level. Read more here.

ECCA 2021 is a virtual event; the high-level conference (22 June) will be preceded by a webinar series on pressing climate change adaptation challenges from 25 May to 10 June. 

ECCA 2021 is co-organised by the European Commission, JPI Climate and three Horizon 2020 projects (SINCERE, CASCADES and RECEIPT).

Participants will include researchers and adaptation experts, policy-makers, local authorities, practitioners in climate risks management, the private sector with a focus on businesses already engaged with and taking action on climate risk, investors, NGOs, citizens organisations, youth and education organisations, community groups engaged in adaptation, communicators and all interested individuals.

Attendees will have the opportunity to actively participate in the conference in many different ways and to network with other participants in the virtual marketplace, including the possibility to book 1-on-1 meetings.

Closed since 22 June 2021
Online + Brussels, Belgium
Organised by
Germany 212
Belgium 198
Italy 173
United Kingdom 133
Spain 106
France 95
Netherlands 89
Austria 72
Ireland 59
Tunisia 54
Portugal 45
United States 41
Finland 34
Norway 31
Sweden 29
Türkiye 29
India 28
Switzerland 27
Nigeria 27
Greece 26
Denmark 24
Australia 21
Hungary 20
Taiwan 19
Poland 19
Canada 18
Ukraine 17
Slovenia 15
Malta 15
Luxembourg 12
South Africa 12
Mexico 11
Brazil 11
Cyprus 10
Croatia 9
Albania 8
Philippines 8
Japan 8
Lithuania 7
Czech Republic 7
Ghana 6
Romania 6
China 6
Malaysia 5
Pakistan 5
Côte d'Ivoire 5
Morocco 5
Israel 5
Ethiopia 5
Argentina 5
Peru 5
Kenya 5
Colombia 5
Iceland 4
Bulgaria 4
South Korea 4
Indonesia 4
Nepal 4
Georgia 3
Uganda 3
Tajikistan 3
Ecuador 3
Sri Lanka 3
Bhutan 3
Chile 3
Serbia 3
North Macedonia 3
Gambia 3
Panama 2
Malawi 2
Slovakia 2
New Zealand 2
Benin 2
Latvia 2
Saudi Arabia 2
Cameroon 2
Senegal 2
Bangladesh 2
Botswana 2
Bosnia And Herzegovina 2
Russia 2
Kazakhstan 2
Estonia 2
Thailand 2
Rwanda 2
Honduras 1
Moldova, Republic Of 1
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1
Viet Nam 1
Mali 1
Algeria 1
Venezuela 1
Papua New Guinea 1
Liechtenstein 1
Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The 1
Fiji 1
Singapore 1
Togo 1
Brunei Darussalam 1
Monaco 1
Bolivia 1
Liberia 1
Haiti 1
Netherlands Antilles 1
Kosovo 1
Yemen 1
Trinidad And Tobago 1
Guyana 1
Zambia 1
Belarus 1
Sierra Leone 1
Reunion 1
Total 1958
Academia and Research, Think Tank 637
Government, National Public Authority 313
NGO, Association 182
Other 177
Consultancy 161
R&D Organisation 85
EU Institutions 83
Local Public Authority 75
Industry 40
Climate Adaptation Solution Provider 36
Investor & Financial Services 17
Journalist, Media 10
Insurance 3
Total 1819
Profile views
Before event 5901
After event 2062
Total 7963